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Drive down a narrowing track for high score!
Where did this game come from? Back in the early 80's there was a computer
magazine called Compute! Every month it would have games you could type up in
basic for multiple computers. Roader came out sometime in 1984, and I thought
that this would be a good game to start out with on the Gameboy.
This is a simple game I wrote to learn how to program in C with a Gameboy.
This will probally be the only version of this I put out, but if I do choose
to make a new version it will most likely have sound and more variety in the
track. The source is fairly messy and I if I were to sit down and reprogram
it, there would be several things I would do different. But, this was mainly
for me to learn how the Gameboy C compiler worked. I will probally put out at
least one more Gameboy game, but don't hold me to that. Also, I have never
tried this on a real Gameboy, only in emulators. If you get this dumped on a
cart, please let me know how it runs.
NOTE: THIS IS NOT A DOS APP! You need a Gameboy emulator or a cart dumper to
play this game! To get an emulator try
Dave's Classics for one.
Download - 10k - 11-20-98 - Source and rom file