About Me
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Basic programming is really the first step in anyone's programming journey,
it is just whether they deside to move beyond it, or embrace it forever is
the choice the user. Basic is easy to use, but complex programming can be
done with it to make programs that are useful. Also with Quick Basic you can
create your own libraries with assembly language to use with your Basic
programs to make graphics routines scream along and sound to blast out of your
sound card. On this page you can check out all the Qbasic programs I have made
plus others I have found that are cool and links to other kickass Qbasic pages.
Also vote for me on the
Top 219 Qbasic Sites.
My Programs
(Click on the title to download the program or go to it's page)
My Pong Clone
Well, it is my own f***ing pong clone. Everyone has done one of these,
and now so have I!
Other Cool QBasic stuff by others
Spinball 2.5
One of the first and greatest QB platform games! Also has Sonic as the
main character.
Invaders `78
One of the best space invaders clones and it is done in Qbasic!
Use a Joystick in keyboard programs(Actuall program, not Qbasic)
Usefull alternative to the keyboard beeping when holding down keys.
FAST Wolflike raycaster - Sami Kyostila
Down Blocks
A cool puzzle/shooter game. Throw blocks to line up a row and be sure not
to get crushed by them. - Paul Layfield
FAST Filled 3D polys - Sami Kyostila
Sound Lab
FM sound effects routines. Easy to use, easy add! - Angelo Mottola
Dragon Warrior type RPG in Qbasic
Fun Qbasic defender clone - Tim Truman
Qbasic Links that will rock your world
All Basic Code Archives
PHAT games
Programmers Heaven
Qbasic Alley
Quickbasic RPG Page

The top 27 QuickBasic RPGs
Ultimate Qbasic